The Artist

Meet Jess

Photographer, Travel Fanatic, Aries

Those words pretty much sum me up, but here are a few other interesting tidbits that you might not know. I've never had a cup of coffee in my life, I have lived in 13 different states (a couple of them more then once) and overseas, I grew up in the country climbing trees, milking goats and playing in the swamp and I suffer from severe wanderlust (especially in the spring and fall).

I graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in psychology and something to do with computers. To this day, I have never worked in the Criminal Justice field, but I have done lots of stuff in the psych world. 

After spending a couple of years overseas teaching English, I decided to go to photography school, where I graduated in 2007. The rest is history! (You can read about it below)

The Story

After graduating from Hallmark Institute of Photography in 2007, where she  received classical training in all types of photography, Jessica Wakefield spent years working on her craft, building her knowledge base and honing her skills. In 2014, she moved to Monroe, Louisiana to start Dark Light Portrait Studios with fellow photographer Tony Romo. They remained in Monroe until 2017, then re-located to Tampa, Florida, where they remained in business until the middle of 2023. At that time, Tony decided it was time to explore other avenues, stepped away from the business and moved back to Oklahoma, where he is originally from. Jess took over as the solo owner of Dark Light.  As of July, 2024, Jess has moved further north, to live in the beautiful city of Williamsburg, Virginia, where she hopes to meet tons of new people, enjoy having seasons and hopefully get to wear some cold weather clothes!

At Dark Light Portrait Studios, she creates art, custom designed to decorate the walls of your home. She works hard to make sure that you have an enjoyable time and that your portraits are exactly what you need for your home. 

Award winning, published, and unforgettable portrait and wedding photographer based in Williamsburg, VA. Certified Professional Photographer and member of Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and Tampa Area Professional Photographer Association (TAPPA), Jess works hard to give you an amazing experience that you will never forget. 

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